Tobii Dynovox I-12+ Due 5/28/2024

The Tobii Dynavox I-Series is an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) product, a purpose-built Speech Generating Device (SGD) designed to provide its users with increased communication ability and greater independence. The Tobii Dynavox I-Series+ is intended primarily to provide, and act as, a compliment to everyday communication for people who have challenges in their ability to speak due to injury, disability, or illness. This intended use is reflected in design features such as long-lasting batteries, superior sound quality, high durability, built-in environmental control, and connectivity features. The Tobii Dynavox I-Series+ is a Gaze Interaction device with a built-in Tobii Eye Tracker (optional use) and capacitive touch screen for touch access.

The device is intended to be used in two orientations:

1) Upright and mounted (or standing upright, vertically, on an appropriate surface) for Gaze Interaction use

2) lying flat (resting in a horizontal orientation) for touch access optimization.

Gaze Interaction and touch can be used in combination with switches, keyboards, and/or scanning as additional input methods. The Tobii Dynavox I-Series+ is designed primarily for face-to-face communication and secondarily for long-distance communication, computer access, and online social interaction. The Tobii Dynavox I-Series+ allows the user to communicate via text or symbols to generate synthesized (computer voice) or digitized (recorded voice) speech for face-to-face communication.